Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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Baseball bats and butterflies

April 17th, 2008 · No Comments

I got one of those cheap, big plastic bats for the girls to play with along with some of the cheap whiffle balls.  They’ve been having a blast!  The older ones are even learning good ways to throw the ball and hold the bat.  It’s fun to watch. 🙂  They’re learning to throw a frisbee, too… especially Alexis.  She’s actually pretty darn good!  Desta likes to throw it, but she tends to throw it… er… underhand?  Meaning it flies vertically instead of horizontally.  Oh well.  She’s having fun.

There are some beautiful butterflies out there right now, but if you mention them the first thing I’ll think of is this costume for Alexis.  I have a few weeks to finish it, and it’ll be enough if I actually have a chance to work on it. 😛  Makes sense, huh?  Anyway, I got the fabric today, so now I need to make my pattern and start sewing.  I have an image in my head of what I want it to look like, but I know from experience that it probably won’t end up quite like what I’m picturing.  Generally the things I make turn out a little different than what I’d imagined, but they’re still acceptable.  Actually, there have been times that I even decided I liked the end product better than what I had pictured. 🙂

Fun tangent: when Alexis and I were getting the fabric today, a very friendly mother and son duo asked her what we were going to make with it.  When we told them, the boy (mid teen, I’d guess) said, “Ah!  Theatre…” and pointing to the fabric in his hand, “Cinematography!”  Turned out he was working on a project of some kind and was buying blue fabric to make a blue screen (you know… they use them to project pictures onto for the camera that the person can’t actually see, like weather maps for forecasts and such).  That in itself was interesting, but he turned out to be even more… er… interesting than that.  He was one of those people who you could see having his little group in college that completely got each others’ senses of humor and loved every minute together, but who everyone else avoided.  He and his mother proceeded to tell us about this project where he’d be talking to himself in Spanish, then about a previous film he made about their cat blowing up (using special effects and whatnot), and a version of Monopoly he had created for a middle school project.  He called it “Monopolitis” and all of the squares and game pieces had to do with various diseases and medical issues.  (Apparently one of the pieces was a person with frostbite… the head had spiky hair with ice-cycles hanging off and a blue nose as well as a rather cold expression to the face.)  And instead of “Go to Jail” it was “Die” or some such thing.  Amusing in a morbid way.

I’m glad there are all kinds of people in the world.  Without them life just wouldn’t be as interesting.

Tags: Family Life