Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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The things kids hear

March 11th, 2008 · No Comments

Two year olds tend to fit the things they hear into what they understand. For example, when our two year old watches Dora and hears a Spanish word, instead of learning it as a Spanish word it becomes whatever the closet English word is to it. She learned an entire Dora song that way:

“La they shoes-ah, la they shoes-ah

I say shh, I say shh,

I don’t know a pencil, I don’t know a pencil,

bo bo bo, bo bo bo.”

The original was in Spanish, but really, your guess is as good as mine.

I put some music on while I was on the computer this morning, and the two year old wanted to hear “Crazy the Lord.” It took a second before I realized she was asking for “Praise Ye the Lord.”

Desta does the same thing at times. For example, itsy-bitsy makes no sense to her, so it’s “The Itchy Itchy Spider.” Well, spiders can make us itch, I guess. *shrug*

I’m sure I’ll have more of these fine sayings to report in the future. For now I have to try to fit a shower in before running off to pick up the four year old from preschool. By the way, I’ll have to write more about her Sunday later. Time change aside, it was a great day for her. 🙂

Tags: Family Life