Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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Good response on Stem-Cell research…

October 6th, 2004 · No Comments

I want to get to bed early, so I won’t go into my day (which included a charming interlude where roofers were going to perform a desirable yet unauthorized action upon my roof… more on that tomorrow, hopefully). I did want to post something brief, though, because Joel had a really good post earlier today that I wanted to link to. There was a guy who wrote an article – writes regular articles, actually – on MSNBC yesterday about Stem-Cell Research. The article really upset Joel, so he put together a well thought out response. You can find it here.

Honestly, the thing that bothered me the most about the guy’s article was that he classified everyone who disagreed with him as a whiner. When people write entire groups of people off that way, I tend to write them off in turn figuring they’re responding emotionally and not rationally to whatever issue they’re writing about. Anyway, if you get a chance, check out Joel’s post. It’s really quite good. 🙂

Tags: Drivel