Charis had her first stay at a hospital the other night. I took her in to the doctor on Tuesday morning because her cold seemed just terrible. When they checked her, they found that her oxygen levels were low, so they sent us over to the hospital. Turned out she had RSV and a touch of pneumonia. Thankfully, they never had to give her oxygen and we only ended up having to stay there for one night. We have her on Xopenex treatments at home now, and she’s doing better. Unfortunately, the doc said RSV tends to last for two to three weeks, so she’ll probably still have congestion over Christmas. As long as we don’t end up in the hospital again, we’ll be just fine. Don’t get me wrong… I was glad the hospital was available at the time and they took good care of her while we were there, but it’s really not a restful place to be. Between watching her oxygen monitor, participating in breathing treatments and suctionings, and just generally not being comfortable, I came home feeling awfully tired. They also kept forgetting about me for meals. When we got there they said that part of their care was delivering meals for the parents of any young children who were admitted, but for some reason the kitchen just never seemed to get word that I existed. I always managed to get a meal, but it was always quite late, and often cold. 😛 Oh well. Of all the things they could have messed up, that was certainly one of the less important ones.
We’re planning on going to see Bob and Larry live at the local Family Christian Store this evening. They’re going to do some sing-alongs and show the newest Veggie Tales video. The girls don’t know about it yet. I’ve learned to keep things like this a secret just in case things don’t work out. It saves a good bit of disappointment. I think Joel’s going to stay home with Charis while I take Alexis and Branwen. We’re not really ready to take her out in the cold air yet unless we absolutely need to.
I’m hoping to get even more news than I currently have about Vedat soon, so I may wait until I hear more to post a full update. The short version is that God has taken care of pretty much everything on this end… all we’re waiting on is his birth certificate so he can get his passport. Hope to be reporting an answer to prayer along those lines within the next week or so…