Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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D-Day is here

August 27th, 2008 · No Comments

It’s the day when I am delivered of the end-of-summer child boredom that leads to whining and fighting.  It’s the day that inspires so many parents to say, “Hallelujah!!  This is the day the Lord has made!!!”

Yes, it’s the first day of school.

Alexis was fully charged this morning.  She was so excited I thought she might bounce out of her new sneakers.  She had to give me extra hugs before going into the school and she grabbed my hands and squeezed them excitedly before running through the doors.  I hope she’s that excited for the first day of school for many years. 🙂

Branwen has been asking me every half hour or so if it’s time for her to go to school yet.  So far she seems very excited.  I’m trying to encourage the excitement, but I know that sometimes she’s excited at the idea of something the reality of which ends up scaring her.  In other words, I’m very glad she’s excited and I’ll be extremely pleased if it lasts, but I also won’t be surprised if she either doesn’t want to actually leave my side when we get to the school or else is in tears when I pick her up.  Only time will tell!

And then there are all three other children who have started asking why they can’t go to school, too. 🙂  We may have to play school at home a bit this year. 🙂

Tags: Family Life