Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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Ethiopia dreams

October 20th, 2007 · No Comments

What I really want to be doing right now is… something. I know mothering is something, but it’s something I could do anywhere when it comes right down to it. I’d like to be doing the mothering thing somewhere where I could make a difference.

Here’s what I’d really like to be involved with: the African Widows and Orphans Project. What a fabulously wonderful idea and what an amazing difference this could make to so many women, orphans, and families! With all my heart, I want to move to Ethiopia and work with AWOP. Maybe the Lord will allow my dream to be realized at some point. Joel has had a similar desire, so that’s a good sign. I wonder what my parents will think? Oh well. They already think I’m crazy. 🙂

Tags: Faith & Ministries