Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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The Joys of Cold Season

December 9th, 2005 · No Comments

Four coldy females equal one tired daddy. Poor Joel has been trying to take care of all of us. Thankfully, my cold isn’t debilitating, just annoying and tiring. Alexis has her first ever ear infection which is loads of fun. She really isn’t complaining much, but she got a moderately high fever with it and now she’s on amoxycillin. She’s coughing pretty badly with her cold this time, too, so we’re doing four albuterol treatments a day as well as her normal two Advair treatments. Branwen’s on the same schedule though with Flovent instead of Advair. We’re also doing the whole cold arsenal at night… Benedryl, Tylenol when needed, vapo-rub, DelSym for coughing, saline, petroleum jelly under noses and on lips, plus a humidifier in their room. There’s probably something else that I’m forgetting as I type. It takes forever to get them to bed when we’re doing all that prep.

Charis has the cold, too, so we have to keep an eye on her since she’s still young enough to be susceptible to RSV. She’s doing ok for now, though she is coughing a little bit. Suctioning her is oh-so-fun. 😛

Time to go feed the baby. At least my having the cold means she’s getting some antibodies from me so her little body can fight her cold more easily. It’s one of those times I’m glad I stuck with the nursing through that initial time when I was bleeding and it hurt so badly. Thank you, Lord, for the strength to get through things and for the ability to help my baby who’s otherwise too young for most medication.

Tags: Drivel