Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

Lux et umbra vicissum… header image 4

Entries from March 2005

12 weeks and counting

March 31st, 2005 · Comments Off on 12 weeks and counting

Morning sickness is a terrible thing, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things have gradually been getting better and I actually have decent moments now. I’ve been able to take care of the girls by myself while Joel is at work (something I wasn’t able to do for a […]


Tags: Drivel

Becoming barge-ish…

March 17th, 2005 · Comments Off on Becoming barge-ish…

At 10 weeks, my stomach should not be sticking out as far as my chest. It’s just wrong.


Tags: Drivel

Sick & Tired… a haiku

March 7th, 2005 · Comments Off on Sick & Tired… a haiku

Ick, tummy trouble. Could I be any more tired? Adoption sounds nice.


Tags: Drivel


March 4th, 2005 · Comments Off on Hmm

You know something’s up when you find yourself sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the afternoon eating leftover cold pasta with honey french dressing dumped on it.


Tags: Drivel