Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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A natural high

September 25th, 2004 · No Comments

What a rush! What a thrill! I bought four very pretty 4T dresses for Alexis today that cost me a total of $17!

Ok, so it’s sad that I’m getting thrills from such things, but when you’re pinching pennies you gotta take the thrills where you can get ’em. 🙂

They are very nice, anyway. One is a denim jumper, one a long-sleeve wool-ish dress with a checkered skirt and black top, one a light weight velvety type dress from Gap, and the last a very pretty blue velvety dress with pink roses and a pink satin tie-back. 🙂 I love consignment sales in nice communities. 🙂 And, thanks to Wendy, I actually got there early enough this morning to have my pick of the nicest clothes. 🙂

Gotta go. Time to give the girls their baths and get them to bed. Tomorrow Alexis will get to wear one of her new dresses. 🙂

Tags: Drivel