Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

Lux et umbra vicissum… header image 2

Early Mobility

June 4th, 2004 · No Comments

Branwen took three steps to me yesterday. Eight and a half months old, and she’s starting to walk! It’s way too early. I still have things to baby proof!

The girls and I are sick again. We all have colds. Alexis has the worst of it, though. She got the oral herpes virus – that’s the virus that causes cold sores. Once you have it, it never leaves your body. It just lies dormant between times, and every now and then you have cold sores pop out. Joel and I both get cold sores, so she could have picked it up from either of us. Poor kid. The first time you get the virus, it’s often worse. In her case, she has a huge sore covering about a third of the surface area on the underside of her tongue. 😛 She has other sores along her gums and such, too. She doesn’t want to eat or drink, so we’re really having to encourage her. And the doctor says she could have these for a week. *sigh* I hate it when I have just one little sore! My poor baby.

Anyway, my parents are coming to visit soon, so I should probably go. We were going to do a cookout, but the weatherman changed the prediction last night (for a week they’ve been saying it would be sunny, then last night they change it to say it’ll be rainy all day and night), so now I don’t know what we’ll be having for dinner. 😛 Gotta go try to plan.

Tags: Drivel