Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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Buried in paperwork

May 28th, 2008 · No Comments

You’ll read the obituary in the papers soon. “Woman missing after paperwork avalanche – presumed dead.” So, meeting our girls really put me in turbo mode. There wasn’t a whole lot I could do before, but now that our first adoption is finalized everything else can be done… and I’m trying to do it all at once. Somehow I’m thinking this is going to push me over the edge. But how can I take things one at a time when I know that the girls are waiting and all they’re waiting on is our paperwork??? It’s a tough one.

I’ll type up some of my journal entries from the trip later. Michelle had originally said we wouldn’t be interviewing more children this trip, but when people hear that she’s coming they start coming out of the woodwork. By the time we left Ethiopia we had interviewed over 100 new children for adoption. Crazy stuff.

I can post some of my generic photos when I type out my journal entries, too. I can’t post many pictures of the kids since that’s considered a breach of confidence or something, but I got lots of other pictures – ones of the countryside, the hotel rooms we stayed in, and some local people who didn’t mind having their pictures taken.

But that’ll be a little later. Right now, it’s time to go spend a good hour or so with my manila folders and lots of forms!

Tags: Adoption