Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

Lux et umbra vicissum… header image 2

Hello from Ethiopia

May 23rd, 2008 · No Comments

This has to be brief because we pay by the minute and I think Michelle is almost done with her email, but I wanted to post something while I had a chance.  This has been an amazing trip.  I met my girls and they’re wonderful!  I’ve helped interview children for adoption, been there to hear how the process works on this end, got to be in on the hiring and beginnings of hospice and sponsorship programs, got sick from something I ate, broke my toe, and met some absolutely amazing people. 🙂  I can’t wait to type more about it and maybe post some pictures. 🙂

Pray for our return flight on Sunday night into Monday morning.  Since my toe is broken, I’m really hoping it won’t be too full and I’ll be able to put it up on the seat next to me to keep the swelling down a bit!

More when I get home…

Tags: Faith & Ministries