Lux et umbra vicissum…

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Walking a puppy can be a real drag

March 25th, 2008 · 2 Comments

I took the puppy for his first real walk today. No, I didn’t take him very far. I remember reading somewhere that you shouldn’t take them for long walks at this age because they’re not ready for it, so I determined to just walk down the street a little bit and then back home.

Here was our walk:

Me – Come on, Cafall! Come on!

Cafall – whine and lay down on the side of the road

Me – Come ON, Cafall! It’s ok! We’re going for a walk! (commence dragging a foot or so along the street)

Cafall – whine and lay down on the side of the road

Me – Um, Cafall? It’s ok. Really. That other dog is inside its house. Ok, so there’s one up there that’s not, but it won’t leave its yard. Come on, buddy, let’s go! (commence half-dragging, half walking for a few feet along the street)

Cafall – whine and lay down on the side of the road

You get the picture. The whole purpose of this little outing was to work out some of his energy because he was being hyper-spastic puppy, but what with the scaredy-pup routine it didn’t really do the job and may have even made things worse. Oh well. He’s still a baby. I’m sure the walks will get easier and more enjoyable as he gets older.

When we got home I let him out in the backyard with four of the kids (and me, of course). That got his energy out pretty darn effectively. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered with the walk in the first place. Then again, I guess he has to learn eventually! The other dogs won’t hurt him, mommy will keep him safe from the big bad cars, and in the end we will go home again.

Tags: Family Life

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 auschick // Mar 25, 2008 at 10:55 pm

    maybe put some roller skates on him, or put him in the pram 😉 haha. actually, you have a lot to look forward to – when my sisters were little, they dressed up our puppy in baby clothes and took him for walks to the store and back :-P. He really was a sight! Especially in a bikini! lol

  • 2 andi // Mar 26, 2008 at 9:55 am

    Ha! You should see Eli in a tiara, tutu, and high heals!
    Hm… a dog on roller skates… wasn’t that a scene in “The Truth About Cats & Dogs”? 😉 (Good movie though they could have done without the long, drawn out phone sex scene and made it even better.)