Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

Lux et umbra vicissum… header image 2

Ailing tangent

March 13th, 2008 · No Comments

I was planning on posting today about the way I muffed a bit on the re-adoption (nothing major… no worries), but I’m too tired and cranky right now.

Instead, I’ll simply state that I think UTI’s are the most annoying of all of the infections.  Queezy tummy, a little extra tired, and having to pee all the time.  No, it certainly doesn’t hold a candle to the flu or strep or any of those when it comes to pain, discomfort, and downright feeling like you’re on your death bed.  But it’s really, really annoying.

Off to the bathroom…

Tags: Drivel