Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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A Hairy Situation

October 20th, 2004 · No Comments

I finally got brave enough to give Branwen her first haircut. The child never stops moving, so even though her hair was getting into her eyes all the time (it’s not thick, but parts of it were getting longish), I was scared to death to cut the stuff. As I sat feeding her lunch and watching her blink blink blink each time it fell in her eyes, I steeled my will and ran for the hair scissors. I knew I had to do it right then or I’d wimp out again.

I had her look at Alexis across the table while I did it. That worked out pretty well except when I forgot that she answers yes and no questions by nodding or shaking her head. 😛 I asked her if she loved her sister and she nodded…. very sweet, but rather dangerous when a woman (especially an inept one like me) is waving scissors around your temple region. Anyway, all I had to cut was a little bit off the front and a little on the sides to even it out a bit. It didn’t take too long to do, but by the time I was done Alexis had decided that I should cut hers, too. 🙂 Hers really did need a trim, so I figured I’d at least play with it a bit and see if I thought I could do it. I took her to an actual hair person for her last cut because I wasn’t sure that I could manage a reasonable cut on hair as short and wispy as hers.

After playing with Alexis’ hair for a minute or so (with Alexis saying, “Do it with the scissors, mommy!” the whole time), I decided that I couldn’t hurt things too much. I cut her some bangs, but who knows if they’ll really ever look bang-ish. Her hair is used to laying over to the side and I have a feeling she’ll be pushing it off her forehead most of the time. Anyway, I trimmed up the sides and back, too, so it’s a little more even than it was…. I think. Well, in any case, it’s no worse than it was before and may be a little better. 🙂

So now both of them supposedly have bangs, and I shouldn’t have to do that again for a while. Like a good sentimentalist, I put Branwen’s hair in a little baggy and labled it as “Branwen’s First Haircut 10-20-04”. I’ll stick it in her baby book later.

Now if I could only get up the nerve to cut my own hair again…

Tags: Drivel