Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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Achy Breaky Babies

September 28th, 2004 · No Comments

Branwen’s been climbing up onto the windowseat recently. I found out fairly quickly that there was no real way to stop her from doing it, so I’ve concentrated on teaching her to sit on it instead of standing. That part has gone pretty well, though when she wants to push her boundaries she’ll stand up and smile at me, waiting until I actually get up from what I’m doing to sit down again. She’s a stinker.

Anyway, last night she climbed up there and must have sat right on the edge. I was dealing with post-dinner stuff, so I didn’t see exactly how it happened, but that’s my best guess. Next thing we knew, there was a thud and a baby scream, and there was Branwen on the floor next to her highchair with blood running down her chin. I grabbed her and had Joel get me some clean paint rags that I keep handy for just such incidents along with an ice cube, and it didn’t take too long to get the bleeding stopped. It looked terrible for a little bit because she was drooling as she cried and the drool was mixing with the blood from her split lip. I called my friend Stacey who’s a physician’s assistant and asked if there was anything I should do that I hadn’t done, and she told me the only concern was if it needed stitches. We determined that it didn’t, so we kept her home. Poor kid, her lip is a little swollen and is bruised all the way through.

Not only that, she’s fighting a nasty diaper rash that just won’t go away. I’m really thinking it’s yeast at this point, but we’re trying the method the nurse said to use to see if it goes away on its own. I’m changing her diaper fairly frequently, and every time I change it I use a warm wet washcloth (not wipes since the alcohol isn’t good for the rash) to wipe her off, then I leave her diaperless for 10 minutes (yes, she already pooped on the rug once), then put on Desitin since the zinc oxide is the best thing for it, then rediaper. Oh, and we’re doing a sitz bath a day. It’s a pain in the patookis, but hopefully it’ll help relieve her patookal pain. If it doesn’t show signs of improvement by tomorrow, I’m calling the doctor back and getting in to see him so we can get some yeast medicine if necessary.

I worked at Joy In the Morning this morning. It was a crazy time. We had 13 two year olds with me and one other lady. It wouldn’t have been too bad, but with the remnants of hurricane Jeanne giving us plenty of wet, we couldn’t go outside to play. That meant they were stuck with us inside for a little over 2 hours. Then, to make matters more interesting, the craft that was prepared for us was rather difficult for them to do and there were too many of them for us to easily help them all. They didn’t have much patience with us and some of the crafts ended up looking rather… well, weird. Alexis’ craft was one of them because I didn’t want to favor her by helping her first and ignoring the other kids. Actually hers really looked the worst. 😛 I got to her after her glue had dried so I couldn’t fix it like I did with some of the others. Anyway, besides being cooped up inside and having a difficult craft time, we had two cases of poop in the pants, any number of suddenly necessary potty breaks (some at the same time with one bathroom handy), and lots of cries of, “She’s not sharing!”, “She hit me!”, and, “I want my mommy!” All in all, I’d say I earned my pay today. Hopefully, next week will be sunny.

Time to go rest for a bit. I should be mopping, but I hurt my back picking kids up today and having one of them trying to hang off my neck as I was putting toys away. The mopping will have to wait. Maybe Joel can at least help me move furniture to do it after he gets home from work. That way I can still have it done before Alexis’ and Branwen’s birthday party/play tomorrow morning. If I still have any energy after that gathering is over, I’ll post about it.

Tags: Drivel