Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

Lux et umbra vicissum… header image 2

Rememberie #3 plus

September 10th, 2004 · No Comments

I’m going to try to type fast. I’d like to get to bed early tonight for a change. I didn’t sleep well last night (after getting to bed late), due in part to my nervous state of mind. I agreed to teach a once a week older-two-year-old class during the Women’s Bible Study at our church on Tuesday mornings. I’ll only be teaching it for two months until the regular teacher will be taking over, but I’m still terribly nervous. I start this coming Tuesday. This knowledge is already spawning such lovely dreams as the one I had last night in which someone had placed all of the children in one big room and told the teachers to go gather their classes together, but I had never received a class list.

Anyway, another Alexis memory is of her when she was crawling age (roughly 8-ish months to 11-ish months). For some reason, she always seemed to be afraid of bumping her head on things. She would never crawl under things, even our dining room table (which was plenty high above her at the time) or our grand piano (the only really valuable thing in our house). 🙂 You’d think she had bumped her head numerous times because of the way she acted, but I don’t know that I saw her bump it once! She just had some innate sense that she didn’t want to be underneath anything. It was somewhat convenient at the time since it meant I could push a couple things I didn’t want her to get into underneath the piano and not really worry about them. 🙂

Branwen has no such innate sense. She goes under, over, around, and through. 😛 She bumps her head on purpose just to see what it’ll feel like. She’s active, athletic, and overly curious. I don’t know how many times I’ve found her up on top of things where she shouldn’t be. I try not to keep things climbable, but she actually moves things around – boxes, toys, etc. – to form steps for herself. No fear. 😛 Well, that’ll probably come with time.

Time to shut down, wind down, and go to sleep. Fiddle-dee-dee… tomorrow is another day.

Tags: Drivel