Lux et umbra vicissum…

light and shadow by turn…

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Toothsome Baby!

March 24th, 2004 · No Comments

Very sweet, and complete with two teeth! First one cut through Monday, the next one was in by Tuesday. She doesn’t like it when I try to see them, though. 😛 It makes her really mad. Her sister never minded that sort of thing. I could poke at her all I wanted. She also didn’t mind having her face wiped, her nose suctioned, medicine given to her, etc. I’ve been told that I now have a normal baby. 😛

In other news, potty training is, as they say, for the birds. Though I don’t think you can potty train birds. As far as I’m concerned, you can’t potty train toddlers, either. 😛 At least she gets concerned when her training pants are wet. She doesn’t even notice if her diaper (or disposable trainers) are. Well, hopefully we’ll have this settled by college. She did tell me the other day why it is we sit on the potty. According to her, it’s “because we have butts.”

Time to go and get something to munch on before the girls wake up and want some, too. 🙂

Tags: Drivel